Diary Entries ヾ(✿❛◡❛ฺฺ)ノ♡


05/08/23 ⋱:・*°・ .¸

🐛 Two new songs of mine have now emerged from their cocoons today ~ a rework of Bluetung’ss “Between What Is And What Wants To Be” & “You See Me” as part of Spare Time Collective’s latest beats tape 🦋

Idk what possessed me last night to do this lol ~ but I decided to write up some memories associated with each track to share with you all today. Hope you enjoy the stories & listens🌻💌

❤️ Credits below ~ big love to you all ~ thank you for inviting me to your worlds in the first place. Quite surreal to be amongst such wonderful company on both releases wowee. ❤️

🦕 “Between What Is And What Wants To Be”
🌀 My take can be found on the remix version of Bluetung’s gorgeous album 'Eternity by the Stars' ~ now out on my Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/wytchings/between-what-is-and-what-wants-to-be-bluetung-rework &
Mitch’s Bandcamp: https://bluetung.bandcamp.com/album/eternity-by-the-stars-remixes :)
🌀 Released by Theory Therapy / Low End Theorists

🌀 Reinterpretation of Kata Szász's artwork by Gary Hunter

🌀 Mastered by Joseph Buchan

🦎 “You See Me”
🐢 Released by Spare Time ~ out on all platforms: https://sparetimecollective.lnk.to/FemmeFrequency
🐢 Artwork by Fran Sant" Anna and Ben Scherhag

🐢 Mastered by Eldelpha

📸 First & last photos taken by the lovely Katy Cao as part of the incred Chainmail (Gillian Kayrooz & Natalie Huifen) launch last year ⛓️

31/07/23 ⋱:・*°・ .¸

Photos by Bala Luke

Writhing on the floors, wailing through the halls & spinning webs with Jada & Saskia – two of my fave humans & artists ever. Thank you both for unearthing parts of my voice and body that I didn’t know I had in me. For gentle and constant reminders of care and trust throughout – unspoken & spoken – forever enamoured by the universe that we formed over this time and space together.

Photos of Jada & I by Marc Tan

27/07/23 ⋱:・*°・ .¸

Half moon eyes, hand on their heart

While elastic truths pour out

A makeshift dagger dances between crossed fingers

And plunges into the spaces in between

The goat’s bell rings amongst all the distortion

Its call lost to the stained sunset

Held hostage in the meadow below

Jada & Saskia ~ artists and humans with ever-growing gardens nestled in their chests, and a cosmic magic that blooms, blooms and blooms 💐🌀Sharing this amorphous time and space with you all has been nothing but beautiful 🦋

~ Only the biggest beams of love for every artist who shared so much of their hearts, time and stories. Thank you Marrugeku for bringing us together – I’m going to keep these memories in my pocket forever.

Photos of Jada Narkle, Saskia Ellis & I by Bala Luke

05/07/23 ⋱:・*°・ .¸

Image by Tala

Earlier this year, I had the absolute best time getting to know the one and only Mollika aka @m0nirath – someone who I have big big big love for. ☁️ I’ve admired her otherworldly accessories designs for a long time ~ I’ll never forget seeing EEAAO at the movies and leaning forwards during the bagel scene when Stephanie Hsu walked out with those white opera gloves & excitedly being like, “Wait hold tf up… is that Monirath… omg bro it is!” to the strangers next to me oops lmao (look the audience – nay, the people – needed to know)! 

In the leadup for the eventual episode for @utp___’s ‘for the circular movement of knowledge’, we talked and talked over many calls about the connectivity between our work and water, our love of music and movies – and how art, in general, is one of the best time machines we have access to. I could have chatted to Mollika forever tbh – so much laughter, vulnerability and unearthing about what being an ~ artist ~ meant to us.

From fawning over Tony Leung’s dreamy eyes lmao to always remembering the importance of creating from the heart, I’m going to treasure those conversations for a very long time – both unrecorded (that stays between us, bb!! *gossip girl intro theme song plays*) and now recorded (so surreal!). I truly do feel like I’ve made a forever friend with Mollika – and for that, I am grateful. <3

Thank you so much to Utp and our creative producer V for holding space and bringing us together in this digital residency. An absolute joy. What a time! :’) <3


Video by @tala.the.creative

Editor & Title Design: Akil Ahamat

Sound: Del Lumanta (@shiny_droppings)

Creative Producer: Verónica Barac-Gomez (@la_vero_barac)

Listen/watch: ‘for the circular movement of knowledge ~ Jenny Trinh and Mollika Prak [Episode release date: 05/07/23 / Digital residency transpired from March to April 2023]

27/05/23 ⋱:・*°・ .¸

Photo of Jada Narkle by Joshua San

☁️ Coming back to the surface to share some treasured fragments from working on ‘blood of my blood’ & recent visit to Naarm. Fireflies that I’ll keep in this big jar of mine 🫙✨~

💕 Another big thank you and love to the beautiful Jada (@__lostpearl) for inviting me into her world for this intricate and moving piece. It was so special to come and experience it — all misty-eyed, full of awe and love.

💧It was as if Jada was holding time and space in her hands — and doing the impossible. Forming and bending wormholes with her every movement. Otherworldly and gorgeous.

🌀 It truly has been such an honour to have helped with the sounds for the show. I feel very grateful. <3

🐛 Thank you to Jada & Saskia for the lovely tour of the botanic gardens (mhmmm it was all quite stunninngggggg hehe ✨) ~ such a lovely way to end the trip ~ and ofc to all the friends who showed (fed) me the best food too hehe <3

📸 Photo of Jada by Joshua San :)


🦋 I adored walking around the city with no agenda, headphones on and enjoying the pretty ~gilmore girls-esque~ autumn scenery that was going on around me lol. I think I also spent a good decade at ACMI lol ~ that place is truly a beautiful love letter to movies. Such a lovely place to get lost in :’)

🕯️I had “Superstar” by Beach House on repeat on the SkyBus back to the airport. My gaze fixated on the bleeding sky. The sun was having its last dance in the sky. It danced, danced and danced until it was simply gone. A light that was always going to end. A light that was going to become anew.

🦕 In a matter of days, I found that I had grown a new heart ~

Listen: ‘blood of my blood’ Sound Design for Yirramboi Festival with Jada Narkle @ArtsHouse [12-13/05/23]

02/03/23 ⋱:・*°・ .¸

Photo by Saskia Ellis

💐 Lately I’ve been growing a little garden in my chest – tended by my time and experience working with Saskia (@its.sass) on our project ‘Spoons’. This is my second time developing a long-form score alongside a phenomenally talented movement artist, and all I can think and feel is how lucky and honoured that I’ve been able to do so.

As good ol’ wise Björk once said (lol), “All Is Full Of Love” – and that couldn’t be more true with this. So much love and care was put into this, and I thank Saskia so much for sharing their stories with me and for creating this world together. I was so taken aback when I received a very kind email from them last December to when I finally met them in-person in January. We exchanged so many memories, talked ages about our love for tenderness and water haha (it rained that day too!! Cinematic excellence – truly do love this for us hehe!!!).

Lying in the middle of the ocean before coming to shore. A gentle ode to the simple act of being here.

It was really special for me to watch Saskia become a beautiful swan on that stage over the two nights. I couldn’t help but tear up (both nights!! My god lmao!!) watching it all unfold – there’s something so special about seeing your art in tandem with someone else’s – it’s nothing but special. I was reminded me of that love and community when Saskia’s teapot became an important feature, when my best friend Marc (@marcjtan) squeezed my arm when he realised a mini waterfall was forming on my face lol and when I was later feasting on nachos and quesadillas with my best friends to celebrate the project hehehe.

I’m so proud and full of love. Infinite thank you so much again to Saskia for everything. Big love to everyone involved with creating such kaleidoscopically beautiful nights. 💕

Photo of Saskia Ellis by Christina Mishell

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Back into the time machine we go...! (。・ˇ_ˇ・。)